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Repeated 'AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute' in Bot

I'm working on a Discord bot using, but I'm encountering a recurring error that I can't seem to resolve. The error occurs in multiple instances and relates to 'NoneType' objects not having certain attributes.

Error Details: I keep getting AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send', 'get_role', and 'members' in different parts of my code. Here's an example of the error output:

_ClientEventTask exception was never retrieved
future: <ClientEventTask state=finished event=on_ready coro=<bound method ...> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send'")>

Context: The errors seem to be related to the self.guild and self.stdout attributes in my bot class, which appear to be None when accessed. This leads to the AttributeError when I attempt to call methods like get_role or send on these objects.

Attempts to Resolve:

  • I've followed a video tutorial exactly to set up the bot, but the error persists.
  • I've checked my code for any obvious mistakes in defining or assigning self.guild and self.stdout.

Despite these efforts, I'm unable to figure out why these attributes are None and how to correctly initialize them.


  1. Why are self.guild and self.stdout evaluated as None, and how should they be properly initialized in
  2. What are the best practices to handle such AttributeError issues in a Discord bot?

Any help in understanding and resolving these errors would be greatly appreciated.


  • self.guild is None

    You defined self.guild as None and that's the reason why you get the NoneType error. The self.guild should be a guild object I think, but it isn't. None has no attributes like get_role() or something, because its empty and not a discord guild.

    self.stdout doesn't exist

    I read your code and can't find it anywhere. Because its not in your code, you can't use it as variable, you need to define it.