There are multiple ways to convert a list of IP address to a list of CIDR (netaddr, ipaddr-py). Is there a way to convert a list of IP address ranges to a merged IP range?
The following examples return a list of tuples of the following format: [(start, end)]
Example 1:
>>> list_of_ips = ['', '', '']
>>> print merge_ip_list(list_of_ips)
Example 2:
>>> list_of_ips2 = ['', '', '']
>>> print merge_ip_list(list_of_ips2)
[('',''), ('','')]
IMHO a good point to start is to make converters from dotted string into int and back. Integer representation is more convenient to compare.
I thought about using reduce but it seems too difficult for me. So I've just implemented it using traditional loop and without recursion.
def int2dot( intip ):
return '.'.join([ str( (intip>>x*8) & 0xFF ) for x in [3,2,1,0]])
def dot2int( dotip ):
return reduce( lambda r,x: int(x)+(r<<8), dotip.split('.'), 0 )
def merge_ip_list(ip_list):
if not ip_list:
return []
orig = map(dot2int,ip_list)
start = orig[0]
prev = start-1
res = []
for x in orig:
if x != prev+1:
start = x
prev = x
return res
Also, I've made an alternative solution:
def merge_ip_list_alt(ip_list):
if not ip_list:
return []
orig = sorted(map(dot2int,ip_list))
end, start = zip(*[x for x in zip(orig,orig[1:]) if x[0]+1!=x[1]]) or ((),())
start = [int2dot(orig[0])] + map(int2dot,start)
end = map(int2dot,end) + [int2dot(orig[-1])]
return zip( start, end )