I have a program here that is fetching information from the https://api.open5e.com/ I know the returned data will have the format
type ResponseFormat = {
"count": number,
"next": string | null,
"previous": string | null,
"results": Object[]
I have the following code here to fetch from the API
async getFromApi(){
let response = await fetch(this.sourcePath);
let json: Promise<ResponseFormat> = response.json();
response = await fetch(`${this.sourcePath}/?limit=${json["count"]}`)
I am getting the error
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type '"count"' can't be used to index type 'Promise'.\n Property 'count' does not exist on type 'Promise'.", "source": "ts", "startLineNumber": 18, "startColumn": 61, "endLineNumber": 18, "endColumn": 74 }
I am fairly new to Typescript and don't really understand how I am meant to declare types for promises Have I declared this incorrectly or am I going about this the wrong way?
returns a Promise of the response body, not the body itself.
You need to await for the result of response.json()
to use it in further computations.
Check the example:
type ResponseFormat = {
"count": number,
"next": string | null,
"previous": string | null,
"results": Object[]
const sourcePath = 'https://api.open5e.com/spells';
async function getFromApi(): Promise<ResponseFormat> {
const responsePage1 = await fetch(sourcePath);
const jsonPage1: ResponseFormat = await responsePage1.json();
const response = await fetch(`${sourcePath}/?limit=${jsonPage1.count}`)
const json: ResponseFormat = await response.json();
return json;
getFromApi().then(r => console.log(r.count))