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How can i apply 'set -e' for child process?

I use bash shell script in my project.

Main script call many sub scripts, but sometimes sub script has error. I want script stop immediately.

I found -errexit option. It will works for me.

There are constraints. I can't edit sub scripts. plus, i don't want to touch exec line.

Lower is example.


# do something

exec bash


cat as.txt  # error
cat ab.txt  # run

I want cat ab.txt not be run.

I know, exex bash -e will run. but real project code is this, touch exec line is dangerous.

exec "$@"

I can't expect what is $@.

If i write set -e in 'do something', it's not apply in child process(

I can change default option script, like ~/.bashrc ? How can i apply shell option for child process?

Please help me!


  • This is the solution.

    export SHELLOPTS

    This answer helped me.