Hi YouTube Data API Team -
The commentsThread
endpoint (https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads
) is not returning comments from the Community tab in YouTube.
I've debugged this extensively, trying just the channelId
parameter instead and the comments from the Community tab simply do not return on the API call.
The channel ID is UC7kCeZ53sli_9XwuQeFxLqw
and the querystring parameters I send to the commentsThread
endpoint on an HTTP GET are as follows:
part: snippet,replies
allThreadsRelatedToChannelId: UC7kCeZ53sli_9XwuQeFxLqw
key: {YT_API_KEY}
maxResults: 100
Is there a different API endpoint for Community tab post comments/replies or is there a bug in the endpoint?
If you check the documentation for CommentThreads: list you will notice it says
Returns a list of comment threads that match the API request parameters.
The comments.list method is the same. This is a list of comments on each video.
There is currently no end point to request information on the community tab. You may want to consider checking if there is already a feature request for it if not then you could submit one here