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Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input? Not sure why

Below is the current program, everything checks out to me, except when I execute the program itself it gives me this error.

Fortran runtime error: Bad integer for item 1 in list input.

The first number is 60000.

    implicit none
    !declaring the single precision for real numbers, array, and variables.
    integer :: i, firstnumber
    real*4 :: average, sum_, standarddeviation
    real*4, allocatable :: arrayone(:)!making sure that the array is single precision real
    open(unit=1,file="C:\cygwin64\data sets for labs and assignments\Numbers.txt")!opening file
        read(1,*)firstnumber!reading the first number
    end do

    allocate(arrayone(firstnumber))!allocating the array with the first number variable obtained from previous statement
    do i = 2, firstnumber
    open(i,file="C:\cygwin64\data sets for labs and assignments\Numbers.txt")
        sum_ = Sum(arrayone) !sums all of the numbers from arrayone
        average = Sum_/firstnumber 
        standarddeviation = sqrt(sum_ - average) * (sum_ - average)!calculates the standard deviation of the data set
    end do
    print*,"Average = "
    print*,"Standard Deviation = "
    deallocate(arrayone)!Deallocating arrayone
    end program Assignmentthree


  • To expand on francescalus' and Vladimir F's comments:

    Catching bugs

    The simplest way of debugging a program is adding a bunch of print statements. If you add these to your code, like

        implicit none
        !declaring the single precision for real numbers, array, and variables.
        integer :: i, firstnumber
        real*4 :: average, sum_, standarddeviation
        real*4, allocatable :: arrayone(:)!making sure that the array is single precision real
        open(unit=1,file="C:\cygwin64\data sets for labs and assignments\Numbers.txt")!opening file
            read(1,*)firstnumber!reading the first number
            print *, 'firstnumber = ', firstnumber
        end do
        allocate(arrayone(firstnumber))!allocating the array with the first number variable obtained from previous statement
        do i = 2, firstnumber
        open(i,file="C:\cygwin64\data sets for labs and assignments\Numbers.txt")
            print *, 'arrayone = ', arrayone
            sum_ = Sum(arrayone) !sums all of the numbers from arrayone
            print *, 'sum_= ', sum_
            average = Sum_/firstnumber 
            print *, 'average= ', average
            standarddeviation = sqrt(sum_ - average) * (sum_ - average)!calculates the standard deviation of the data set
            print *, 'standarddeviation= ', standarddeviation
        end do
        print*,"Average = "
        print*,"Standard Deviation = "

    then you can see what your program is actually doing, and work out what's going wrong.

    Your current error

    Your first problem is that the lines

      read(1,*)firstnumber!reading the first number
    end do

    are performing the read operation multiple times. It will literally try to read integers from the file forever. Obviously the file is finite, so eventually it runs out of valid things to read, and throws the error you are seeing.

    To fix this, you should simply get rid of the infinite loop, by removing the lines do and end do.

    The empty read

    Your next problem is the statement


    This reads from the file you just opened, but doesn't store the results anywhere. It looks like you're trying to populate the arrayone array, which you would do like

    read(i,*) arrayone(j)

    where j is the index of arrayone corresponding to the element which you want to fill.

    In a loop

    The other problem you have is that you're doing a lot of things inside a loop which you should be doing outside the loop. As it stands, the code

    do i = 2, firstnumber
      open(i,file="C:\cygwin64\data sets for labs and assignments\Numbers.txt")
      sum_ = Sum(arrayone)
      average = Sum_/firstnumber 
      standarddeviation = sqrt(sum_ - average) * (sum_ - average)
    end do


    • open the file
    • read the first number in the file, but not store it anywhere
    • calculate the sum, average and standard deviation of the entire array arrayone, even though most of the elements of arrayone are not yet filled.
    • close the file

    and it will do all of this over and over again, firstnumber times.

    I suspect that what you want to do is read the firstnumber elements of arrayone from lines 2 through firstnumber+1 of the file, and only then (after the loop) calculate the sum, average, and standard deviation of arrayone.

    In order to read multiple rows from your file, you should only open it once (at the statement open(unit=1...), and only close it once (using close(1), but at the end of your program). Each read statement should then read from the same file (so each should be read(1,...).