I'm new and don't understand things. I want to make a new list of distances between every coordinates I have, a list of the distances of point1-point2, point1-point3, point2-point3.
so my code is:
list_of_coords = [(5.55, 95.3175), (3.583333, 98.666667), (-0.95556, 100.36056)]
list_of_distances = [geopy.distance.geodesic(combo).km for combo in combinations(list_of_coords,2)]
anddd when I try to run it, it says:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'tuple'
How to make it run properly? Thank you!
As I can see in the documentation, geodesic
takes multiple arguments, like *args
So try unpacking:
list_of_distances = [geopy.distance.geodesic(*combo).km for combo in combinations(list_of_coords, 2)]
Or unpack iteration:
list_of_distances = [geopy.distance.geodesic(a, b).km for a, b in combinations(list_of_coords, 2)]