I'm trying to change a string that looks something like this:
s = 'g1 & g2 & (X~(~g1 & ~g2) & ~o1) & (XX~(~g1 & ~g2) & ~o1 & X~o1)'
to this:
'g1_0 & g2_0 & (~(~g1_1 & ~g2_1) & ~o1_0) & (~(~g1_2 & ~g2_2) & ~o1_0 & ~o1_1)'
So basically I'm appending to each variable _# (underscore and number) as the number of X's in front of it and remove the X's. The problem mostly arises when the X's are before parentheses and that I do not know a-priori how many variables and the logical operators that are in parentheses.
I try to do this in Python. I am going backwards from the most number of X's (Because, if I start looking for g1's, all of them will change). So this is the sequence:
import re
xs = 'X'*n
while n>0:
# this is for when we have parentheses
s = re.sub('%s([~]*)([(]+[~]*[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+) ([&|]*) ([~]*[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)([)]+)'%xs, \
r'\1\2_%d \3 \4_%d\5'%(n,n), s)
# this is for normal variables
s = re.sub('%s([~]*[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*)'%xs, r'\1_%d'%n, s)
xs = xs[:-1]
n -= 1
And going down to no X's. The problem is that I don't want to impose the structure of 'o/g &/| o/g'. and I want it to be variable-length of names and operators, but still assign the correct names. E.g., to handle:
XX(~g1 & ~g2 | ~k3) --> (~g1_2 & ~g2_2 | ~k3_2)
How can I do it with Regex?
You can use recursion with re
import re
def rep_x(d, c = 0):
s, f = '', 0
while d:
if d[0] == ')':
return s+')', d[1:]
if d[0] == '(':
[_s, d], f = rep_x(d[1:], c = c+f), 0
s += '('+_s
elif (x:=re.findall('^X+', d)):
d = d[(f:=len(x[0])):]
elif (x:=re.findall('^\w+', d)):
s, f, d = s + x[0]+'_'+str(f+c), 0, d[len(x[0]):]
s, d = s+d[0], d[1:]
return s, d
r1, _ = rep_x('g1 & g2 & (X~(~g1 & ~g2) & ~o1) & (XX~(~g1 & ~g2) & ~o1 & X~o1)')
r2, _ = rep_x('XX(~g1 & ~g2 | ~k3)')
'g1_0 & g2_0 & (~(~g1_1 & ~g2_1) & ~o1_0) & (~(~g1_2 & ~g2_2) & ~o1_0 & ~o1_1)'
'(~g1_2 & ~g2_2 | ~k3_2)'