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Bazel function: git_repository vs new_git_repository?

What are the differences between functions git_repository and new_git_repository?

Can new_git_repository do everything git_repository does? If so, why do we have two separate functions?

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  • Usually, you use git_repository if the underlying repository is already bazelized otherwise new_git_repository.

    new_git_repository provides the attributes build_file and build_file_content whereas git_repository does not have those attributes.

    For example Google Test is already using Bazel as a build system (i.e. it provides WORKSPACE file in its root directory). To fetch it you can simply do:

    # GoogleTest- Google Testing and Mocking Framework
        name = "googletest",
        commit = "703bd9caab50b139428cea1aaff9974ebee5742e",  # googletest v1.10.0
        remote = "",
        shallow_since = "1570114335 -0400",

    You can then easily use Google Test as an dependency in some BUILD file:

        name = "tests",
        timeout = "short",
        srcs = ["test.cpp"],
        deps = [
            "@googletest//:gtest_main", # Use GoogleTest as a dependency

    new_git_repository is usually used if the underlying dependency is not bazelized. new_git_repository gives you the possibility to provide a BUILD file that is so to say injected in the repository under consideration. Besides this also a trivial WORKSPACE file is generated for the dependency. This way you can provide a BUILD file form outside to a git repo to make it working with the Bazel build system.

    Example is not bazelized. You can wirte a fmt.BUILD file with the following content:

        name = "fmt",
        srcs = [
            #"src/", # No C++ module support
        hdrs = [
        includes = [
        strip_include_prefix = "include",
        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

    Now you can use new_git_repository to provide (inject) the above build file, e.g.:

        name = "fmt",
        build_file = "//third_party:fmt.BUILD",

    BTW: Also the workspace rule local_repository comes in two flavors: local_repository and new_local_repository. Again the new variant accepts also an external BUILD file. Older version of Bazel (< 0.29.0) had also new_http_archive - neverthless with an current version of Bazel (4.2.1) there is only http_archive that accepts also the attributes build_file and build_file_content.