Search code examples

Count Match value in DataFrame based on list

I have a dataframe, which has some items title for example

ratings_dict = {
    "TYPE": ["Testing","Headphone","Iphone","AC","Laptop","Monitor"],

df = pd.DataFrame(ratings_dict)

Want to count the value based on a given list:


Expected output:

enter image description here

Note: In the case, the word "phone" is matched with 2 values in the dataframe "Headphone" and "Iphone" then Count will increment for both.

Any suggestion or code snippet will be helpful.


  • You need to convert everything to lowercase then count the number of times a TYPE is a substring of a search history item and vice versa

    import pandas as pd
    ratings_dict = {
        "TYPE": ["Testing","Headphone","Iphone","AC","Laptop","Monitor"],
    df = pd.DataFrame(ratings_dict)
    # convert everything to lower case
    Search_history = [ x.lower() for x in Search_history]
    df['TYPE'] = [ x.lower() for x in df.TYPE]
    # count up the number of times one of the TYPEs is a substring of a Search_history or a Search_history is a substring of a TYPE
    df['count'] = [ sum( x in y or y in x for y in Search_history) for x in df.TYPE]