I have a dataframe, which has some items title for example
ratings_dict = {
"TYPE": ["Testing","Headphone","Iphone","AC","Laptop","Monitor"],
df = pd.DataFrame(ratings_dict)
Want to count the value based on a given list:
Expected output:
Note: In the case, the word "phone" is matched with 2 values in the dataframe "Headphone" and "Iphone" then Count will increment for both.
Any suggestion or code snippet will be helpful.
You need to convert everything to lowercase then count the number of times a TYPE is a substring of a search history item and vice versa
import pandas as pd
ratings_dict = {
"TYPE": ["Testing","Headphone","Iphone","AC","Laptop","Monitor"],
df = pd.DataFrame(ratings_dict)
# convert everything to lower case
Search_history = [ x.lower() for x in Search_history]
df['TYPE'] = [ x.lower() for x in df.TYPE]
# count up the number of times one of the TYPEs is a substring of a Search_history or a Search_history is a substring of a TYPE
df['count'] = [ sum( x in y or y in x for y in Search_history) for x in df.TYPE]