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Extending ast.AST

I'm writing a Python tool that walks an AST to extract some data. To improve its usability, I want to extend the ast.AST class, so every node that is based on it has the same ability, for example getting the parent node, the children, the siblings, etc.

On Python 3.9+, I'm able to attach additional attributes, methods and cached properties to ast.AST directly:

def _attach_to(cls, name=None):
    def decorator(func):
        func_name = name or func.__name__
        cached = cached_property(func)
        setattr(cls, func_name, cached)
        # see
        cached.__set_name__(cls, func_name)  # noqa: WPS609
        return func
    return decorator

But on Python 3.8, which I'm willing to support, I cannot attach additional things to ast.AST which is a builtin:

TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type '_ast.AST'

So I explored different things:

  • patching ast.AST with a class of mine, using patch functions such as unittest.mock.patch: it does not seem to affect the child classes which already inherited from the original ast.AST
  • patching ast.AST.__mro__: __mro__ is readonly
  • patching ast.AST.__bases__: can't set attributes of built-in
  • iterating on subclasses and changing ast.AST to my own ExtendedAST (that inherits from ast.AST) in their __bases__: complains about object layout differing

Is there a way to dynamically add attributes/methods/properties to built-in classes?


  • I eventually found something that works: I declare an ExtendedAST class, but instead of making it a subclass of ast.AST, I leave it as a "mixin" and append it to the __bases__ of all the different nodes' classes:

    for name, member in inspect.getmembers(ast):
        if name != "AST" and inspect.isclass(member):
            if ast.AST in member.__bases__:
                new_bases = list(member.__bases__)
                member.__bases__ = tuple(new_bases)