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Rundeck "JSON key /value mapper" LogFilter, variable not available in next step

I'm running the Rundeck community edition (3.4.3 2021-08-23). I have a (winRM) Powershell command step that creates a simple JSON output.

@{Hello="World";Simple="Test"} | ConvertTo-Json

In this step #1, I have the "JSON jq key/value mapper" added.

The configuration of the LogFilter is very simple. Just a . (dot) direct passthrough of JSON data. The prefix is set to data.

The following step #2 is a simple output. Running as (winRM) Powershell command. Just writing the variable output.

Write-Output "$result.Simple"

Once I run it I can see JSON is produced in step #1 and correctly parsed by the log filter. If I try to access the variable value in step #2 it's empty and produces "No output".

Both steps 1 and 2 ok. But variable empty. No output from step #2.

I had success using the Log Filter "Key Value Data" and "Multiline Regex Data Capture". But the "JSON jq key/value mapper" seems to work differently. I have also tried with upper and lowercase variable names. With "result", "data" and without prefix in the LogFilter configuration. But I can't get around to how to access the data in the variables.

Log Filter:


  • Use ${} for the command step or for script step. I made a basic example that gets the value from a JSON file.

    Rundeck job definition:

    - defaultTab: nodes
      description: ''
      executionEnabled: true
      id: fb6042da-5e4c-46d2-a2c1-d3a486ce019f
      loglevel: INFO
      name: JSONHelloWorld
      nodeFilterEditable: false
        ExecutionLifecycle: null
      scheduleEnabled: true
        - exec: cat /Users/myuser/Desktop/example.json
            - config:
                filter: .
                logData: 'true'
                prefix: result
              type: json-mapper
        - exec: echo ${data.firstName}
        keepgoing: false
        strategy: node-first
      uuid: fb6042da-5e4c-46d2-a2c1-d3a486ce019f

    Check the result.