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Angular 11 can't access object property dynamically

I have to access to a subset of my object properties and store the label and the value in another array. Basically I have this object:

    myObject: CustomObject {
    prop1: value1,
    prop2: value2
    prop3: value3

and as output I need an array with objects of type: {label: string, value: number}.
I need to fill this array with prop1 and prop2 and their values, so that I have something like this:

    myArray = [{label: prop1, value: value1}, {label: prop2, value: value2}]

What I've tried is this:

    labels = ['prop1', 'prop2'];
    labels.forEach((l: any) => {
      this.myArray.push({ label: l, value: this.myObject[l] })

or also this.myObject.l

But I get this error:

Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type 'MyObject'

I've changed the type of "l" to string but I got:

No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type

What's the correct way to do this?



  • Instead of any, you can use keyof to tell typescript that labels is an array of strings where strings are the keys of your interface:

    Playground Link

    interface CustomObject {
        prop1: any;
        prop2: any;
        prop3: any;
    const myObject: CustomObject = {
        prop1: 1,
        prop2: 2,
        prop3: 3,
    const labels: (keyof CustomObject)[] = ['prop1', 'prop2'];
    const myArray = => ({ label, value: myObject[label] }))