I have two classes in Lua.
test1 = {test1Data = 123, id= {0,3}}
function test1:hello()
print 'HELLO!'
function test1:new (inp)
inp = inp or {}
setmetatable(inp, self)
self.__index = self
return inp
test2 = {}
function test2:bye ()
print 'BYE!'
function test2:create_inst( baseClass )
local new_class = {}
local class_mt = { __index = new_class }
function new_class:create()
local newinst = {}
setmetatable( newinst, class_mt )
return newinst
if baseClass then
setmetatable( new_class, { __index = baseClass } )
return new_class
a = test1:new({passData='abc'})
print (a.test1Data, a.passData, a:hello())
c = test2:create_inst(a)
print (c.test1Data, c.passData,c:hello(), c:bye())
I want to inherit test2
from test
but leave in the specified test2
methods bye
Everything works except for bye:method
How can I solve this problem?
You return an empty table in test2:create_inst()
, at no point does anything reference test2
, so the function test2:bye()
is not in the table returned by test2:create_inst()