I have JFrog Artifactory Community Edition 7.11.2 for C++ installed on a linux server and from my Windows pc I can successfully install required recipes for a project via the conan install ..
command. However when I use the same files and scripts on my Bamboo Server (windows) as a build plan I get the following error:
ERROR: Couldn't read login
Conan suggests:
Try removing 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\.conan\.conan.db' file.
This I have done but still get the same error. The Bamboo server runs using the Local System Account.
Are there recommended practices for using Conan with Bamboo for CI uses?
The problem was that I had surplus "
's in the remotes.txt file. I had a line like this...
"conancenter" "https://center.conan.io" true
when it should of been
conancenter https://center.conan.io true