What if I exceed azure functions free tier within the 12 month trial? Will it charge after exceeding limits and is there way to set hard limit on budget?
Within the free tier, you have these services for free and for more details, check this MicrosoftFAQ regarding what is the maximum usage of each service within the free tier.
For example, within the free tier (12 months) to Azure Functions
1 million requests and 4,00,000 GBs of resource consumption with Azure Functions
Will it charge after exceeding limits?
Azure Free Account/Subscription provides the 200$ Credit in billing currency which has validity of 30 days & 12 months of some free services. It means, after 30 days - the Azure Subscription is disabled to protect from accidentally charges incurring if the subscription is used beyond the credit.
After you upgrade, your subscription has 12 months free services + charged for usage beyond the free service quantity limits.
For more details like how to upgrade to pay-as-you-go subscription, how to reactivate any subscription if cancelled accidentally, refer to this cost-management-billing
is there way to set hard limit on budget?
Yes, we can set the hard limit on budget using cost alerts option to every resource in the Azure.
To know "How to keep budget/cost alert for every resource", refer this Microsoft documentation for cost-mgt-alerts-monitor-usage-spending
What will happen if I got ddos
Azure's infrastructure DDoS (Basic) Protection is available to all properties in Azure at no additional cost.
There are 2 kinds in Azure DDoS: Basic and Standard.
DDoS Protection Basic doesn't need user configuration adjustments. All Azure services, such as PaaS services like Azure DNS, are protected with the aid of DDoS Protection Basic.
In conjunction with best practices for application architecture, Azure DDoS Protection Standard offers improved DDoS mitigation options to stop DDoS attacks.
For more details on how to use Azure DDoS Protection with 5-minute quick start tutorials and documentation
To see the pricing options, how to purchase and where to purchase - Refer this documentation gives you clear idea about pricing details.