I've allowed for custom paths to be entered and wanted the default to be something along the lines of:
, of course this needs to successfully parse the string and though it will work in Windows Explorer, I was wondering if I'm missing a library call or option for parsing this correctly.
DirectoryInfo's constructor certainly doesn't work, treating %UserProfile%
like any other folder name.
If there is no good way, I'll manually parse it to substitute %foo%
with the actual special folder location if it is in the Special Folders Enumeration.
Edit: Code that does what I'm looking for (though would prefer a proper .NET library call):
var path = @"%UserProfile%/Documents/foo";
var specialFolders = Regex.Matches(path, "%(?<possibleSpecial>.+)%");
foreach (var spec in specialFolders.AsEnumerable())
if (Enum.TryParse<Environment.SpecialFolder>(spec.Groups["possibleSpecial"].Value, out var sf))
path = Regex.Replace(path, spec.Value, Environment.GetFolderPath(sf));
Use Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables
on the path before using it.
var pathWithEnv = @"%UserProfile%/Documents/foo";
var path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(pathWithEnv);
// your code...