In order to save the response from postman API calls, I am executing Postman collection using newman run.
The collection runs when running using
newman run C:\TasteBud\NewMan\JSON-Order_collection.json --env-var unique_order_id=OD-06-07-I2Q5-JYRY5ARPN --environment C:\TasteBud\NewMan\EnvironmentJSON.json
However when I run the same collection as part of javascript or nodejs script.
node writeToFile.js
it throws error as node "1⠄ JSONError in test-script " refer attached image. I need to pass the auth token generated by login request to subsequent request. So I have variable assignment in the "test".
let response = pm.response.json();
Why cant I have "test" ? if no then how can I pass/set these environment variable for subsequent API call ?
Code inside writeToFile.js is here. writeToFile.js
Always use status code validation in your token generation. because every request is based on the token, if we receive negative status code, terminate the build.
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
if(responseCode.code === 200){
tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("AT", jsonData.oauth2.accessToken);
console.log("AccessToken : " +jsonData.oauth2.accessToken);
console.log("Error generating user token");
console.log("Status code : "+responseCode.code);
console.log("Status description : "+jsonData.statusDescr);