I have an Azure AD
named FOO
where I have a bunch of users. I created an Azure ADB2C
as a Resource inside the FOO
directory, named BAR
, in which I want to signUp/signIn users. However, if you are already a user in FOO
I want you to be able to connect via an Identity Provider
Is this possible? I did not manage to make this work. I'm currently following these docs:
1 This seems like it works for FOO AD
2 This seems like it would fit my scenario.
3 This seems like it would work for FOO ADB2C
Even tho the second docs fit my scenario, I see that it's mandatory to use custom policies, which I'm not a fan of. Is there any workaround? Has anybody faced this scenario before?
Since you are using a signin flow, Azure AD B2C is expecting the user object to exist in the B2C directory.
You'll have to either: