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Matching a pair of foreign keys in MySQL/SQL

Is there a way to pair foreign keys to match?

E.g. The user_id and subs_id fk pair doesn't match in the product table but was allowed to be added.

Table: user

| user_id (PK) | first_name  | last_name  |
| -------------| ------------|------------|
| 000001       | David       | Hawk       |
| 000002       | Ali         | Abdullah   |

Table: subscription

| user_id (FK) | subs_id (PK) | subs_status | total_cycles |
| -------------| -------------|-------------|--------------|
| 000001       | ABC_123456   | ACTIVE      | 4            |
| 000002       | CDE_654321   | CANCELLED   | 8            |  

Table: product

| user_id (FK) | subs_id (FK)   |   product   |  plan  | product-key (PK) |
| -------------| ---------------|-------------|--------|------------------|
| **000001**   | **CDE_654321** | Product-A   | Pro    | A5CD-8Z62-X2D4   |
| **000002**   | **ABC_123456** | Product-B   | Plus   | WFE7-71W4-Z64D   |           


  • If I understand correctly, you have two foreign keys, one on the user_id and one on the subs_id. Instead, you need to have a single foreign key on the combination of the two:

    ALTER TABLE product
    ADD CONSTRAINT prodcut_subscription_fk
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id, subs_id)
    REFERENCES subscription(user_id, subs_id)