Textmate's 'go to file' fuzzy search is really awesome.
Wincent's Command-T plugin for vim does something similar and it rocks too.
Can someone explain how these work? Is there a general term for the method they use?
Edit: I little more detail about what those tools do
The tools let you narrow a list of options (in this case file paths) as you type.
For example if I had the following files:
to get to narrow the list to /app/models/people.rb
I could type any of the following:
it's very flexible and I find my self missing this 'list narrowing' when the app I'm using doesn't have it. I'd like to learn more about it so that I may implement my own plugins if I ever felt the need. Wish I could explain it better, but that's why I'm here :)
To see it in action take a look at wincent's demo of command-t
It appears to be doing a wildcard search between every letter.
amp -> *a*m*p*
peo -> *p*e*o*
mp -> *m*p*
modelsp -> ...
If it matches only one item in the list of options, then it would return that as the intended option.