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Graphene Django getting items

I have a Query:

class Query(object):
all_articles = graphene.List(ArticleType)
category_articles = graphene.List(ArticleType, category = graphene.String())

def resolve_all_articles(self, info, **kwargs):
    return Article.objects.all()

def resolve_article_by_category(self, info, **kwargs):
    category = kwargs.get('category')
    return Article.objects.get(category = category)

And I want to get all articles by specific category. I try to make such a request:

query {
  categoryArticles(category: "SPORT") {

But it returns me:

  "data": {
    "categoryArticles": null

Does somebody know what I do wrong or how to get articles by specific category? I will be very grateful if somebody can help. Thanks!


  • Was long time ago, but what helped is as @xadm mentioned documantation link in the comments.