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Merge JSON Array values into a single CSV column

I have a JSON file something like this:

        "id": 2,
        "name": "I.1.A.2",
        "activeFlag": true,
        "recipients": [
                "id": 3,
                "identityName": "idenity1",
                "fullName": "FullName1"
                "id": 4,
                "identityName": "identity2",
                "fullName": "FullName2"

I need to convert it to a CSV output similar to this using C# and dotnet Core.


However, I can only get the CSV output as:

"id","name","activeFlag","recipients_0", "recipients_1"

Here's the code that's generating the above output:

    using (var csv = new ChoCSVWriter(".\\temp\\csvoutput.csv").WithFirstLineHeader()
        using (var json = new ChoJSONReader(".\\temp\\tmpjson.json")
        .Configure(c => c.ConvertToFlattenObject(arrayIndexSeparator: ';'))
        .Configure(c => c.ArrayValueSeparator = ';')
        .Configure(c => c.ArrayValueSeparator = ';')
        .WithField("id", jsonPath: "$", isArray: false)
        .WithField("recipients", jsonPath: "$..recipients[*]..identityName", isArray: true, fieldName: "recipients")

Right now, I'm using the ChoEtl library, but open to other options/suggestions. Been searching for an answer to this issue and haven't found any yet. Sorry if there's some solution I haven't found yet. I did try a similar solution here: How to output JSON array as a single field in CSV using ChoETL But didn't quite get it to fit my needs.


  • Above @Jack.A answer covers your scenarios to produce expected output.

    Here is one another approach by setting UseNestedKeyFormat to false in CSV writer to produce the expected CSV output

    string json = @"
            ""id"": 2,
            ""name"": ""I.1.A.2"",
            ""activeFlag"": true,
            ""recipients"": [
                    ""id"": 3,
                    ""identityName"": ""idenity1"",
                    ""fullName"": ""FullName1""
                    ""id"": 4,
                    ""identityName"": ""identity2"",
                    ""fullName"": ""FullName2""
    StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
    using (var r = ChoJSONReader.LoadText(json)
        .WithField("recipients", jsonPath: "$..recipients[*]..identityName")
        using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csv)
            .Configure(c => c.ArrayValueSeparator = ';')



    Sample fiddle: