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Why does setting the value of nested table set the metatable's table?

I'm learning lua and just discovered a quirk to metatables:

local mt = { 
  value = 0,
  nested = { value = 0 },
mt.__index = mt

local t1 = {}
setmetatable(t1, mt)

local t2 = {}
setmetatable(t2, mt)

print(t1.value)         -- 0
print(t1.nested.value)  -- 0
print(t2.value)         -- 0
print(t2.nested.value)  -- 0
print(mt.value)         -- 0
print(mt.nested.value)  -- 0

t1.value = 10
t1.nested.value = 20;

print(t1.value)         -- 10
print(t1.nested.value)  -- 20
print(t2.value)         -- 0
print(t2.nested.value)  -- 20 (?)
print(mt.value)         -- 0
print(mt.nested.value)  -- 20 (?)

Note the two comments with (?).

If I'm understanding this correctly, what's happening is because t1 does not have a key for nested it returns mt's nested table. So doing t1.nested.value=20 effectively sets the value in the mt and thus all tables that use it as a metatable.

I have two questions:

  1. Is my understanding correct? If not can someone explain what is happening here?
  2. Regardless of what is happening, how do I set only a specific table's nested table without affecting the metatable?


    1. Is correct.
      Therefore you set the value in the metatable that are now holding a new value.

    2. Set nested first before you set nested.value.
      Like you do with value.
      And destroy it to get back the metatable nested table including value.

    I suggest doing more in the interactive Lua interpreter to see what is happen...

    $ lua
    Lua 5.4.3  Copyright (C) 1994-2021, PUC-Rio
    > code=[[do
    >> local mt = { 
    >>   value = 0,
    >>   nested = { value = 0 },
    >> }
    >> mt.__index = mt
    >> local t1 = {}
    >> setmetatable(t1, mt)
    >> local t2 = {}
    >> setmetatable(t2, mt)
    >> dump(t1); dump(t2);
    >> print(t1.value)         -- 0
    >> print(t1.nested.value)  -- 0
    >> print(t2.value)         -- 0
    >> print(t2.nested.value)  -- 0
    >> print(mt.value)         -- 0
    >> print(mt.nested.value)  -- 0
    >> t1.value = 10
    >> t1.nested.value = 20;
    >> dump(t1); dump(t2);
    >> print(t1.value)         -- 10
    >> print(t1.nested.value)  -- 20
    >> print(t2.value)         -- 0
    >> print(t2.nested.value)  -- 20 (?)
    >> print(mt.value)         -- 0
    >> print(mt.nested.value)  -- 20 (?)
    >> end]]
    > dump=require('dump') load(code)()
    1 Index key: value (string) equals to 10 (number) integer number

    OK you need my dump.lua...

    return function(...)
    local args={...}
    local counter=0
    -- Next patches function to work also as/for __call metamethod
    -- (First argument to __call always is self, so an argument to __call is always second)
    if #args == 2 then args[0]=args[1] args[1]=args[2] table.remove(args) end
    -- Loop
    for k,v in pairs(args[1]) do
    counter=counter+1 -- For counting table keys
    -- Put a funny colored out what is in the table
    io.stdout:write(tostring(counter)..' Index key: \x1b[1;'..tostring(math.random(31,34))..'m',
    '\x1b[0m (',
    ' equals to \x1b[1;'..tostring(math.random(31,34))..'m',
    '\x1b[0m (',
    -- Add some info depending on datatype (except userdata)
    if type(v)=='string' then io.stdout:write(' '..tostring(#v)..' char(s)'):flush() end
    if type(v)=='number' then io.stdout:write(' '..tostring(math.type(v))..' number'):flush() end
    if type(v)=='table' then io.stdout:write(' '..tostring(#v)..' numbered keys in sequence'):flush() end
    if type(v)=='function' then io.stdout:write(' '..tostring(debug.getinfo(v).source)..' source'):flush() end
    io.stdout:write('\n'):flush() -- And add a final newline
    -- return 'Not used'

    PS: I love to use __index for stuff that are not visible but use and reachable
    Normally it should hold functions like the datatype string shows.

    > dump(getmetatable(_VERSION).__index)
    1 Index key: unpack (string) equals to function: 0x565a3530 (function) =[C] source
    2 Index key: pack (string) equals to function: 0x565a3950 (function) =[C] source
    3 Index key: find (string) equals to function: 0x565a4db0 (function) =[C] source
    4 Index key: gsub (string) equals to function: 0x565a4dc0 (function) =[C] source
    5 Index key: byte (string) equals to function: 0x565a3f20 (function) =[C] source
    6 Index key: len (string) equals to function: 0x565a1750 (function) =[C] source
    7 Index key: dump (string) equals to function: 0x565a2d00 (function) =[C] source
    8 Index key: sub (string) equals to function: 0x565a4210 (function) =[C] source
    9 Index key: char (string) equals to function: 0x565a2060 (function) =[C] source
    10 Index key: rep (string) equals to function: 0x565a1be0 (function) =[C] source
    11 Index key: gmatch (string) equals to function: 0x565a40d0 (function) =[C] source
    12 Index key: upper (string) equals to function: 0x565a1ac0 (function) =[C] source
    13 Index key: reverse (string) equals to function: 0x565a1b50 (function) =[C] source
    14 Index key: packsize (string) equals to function: 0x565a3420 (function) =[C] source
    15 Index key: match (string) equals to function: 0x565a4da0 (function) =[C] source
    16 Index key: lower (string) equals to function: 0x565a1d90 (function) =[C] source
    17 Index key: format (string) equals to function: 0x565a22d0 (function) =[C] source

    ...that are methods for string...

    print(_VERSION:rep(100,', '):upper():reverse())

    ( Maybe number becomes math methods in Lua 6.0 ;-) )

    But with a table you can do definitely what you want.