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How can I get XSL 3.0 to work with Pentaho XSL Step

I am trying to make use of the XSL 3.0 xml-to-json function in Pentaho but get a compile error when running the transformation.

I believe it’s because Pentaho uses a JAR for XSL 2.0.

I was hoping there is a JAR for XSL 3.0 Pentaho can use that someone can point me to.


  • Solution arrived at-

    From the Pentaho Data Integration installation path, take out both /lib/saxon- and /lib/saxon-dom-; and replace with only Saxon-HE-10.5.jar.

    After that, I was able to get it to work.

    Please note that this function (xml-to-json) only works on specifically formatted XML inputs, and it does not work on arbitrary XML documents:,Available%20in%20all%20Saxon%20editions