Apologies if this has been answered adequately elsewhere, I just can't seem to piece together the solution from the many existing posts regarding unix conversions. I have built a crude Blazor server-side weather forecast app that calls a weather forecast API and returns a seven-day forecast, with each day distinguished by an unix, utc format date (ex:{"dt":1631293200}). I have been able to successfully display the results from the call as follows:
@foreach (var w in forecast.daily)
<td>@w.temp?.min F°</td>
<td>@w.temp?.max F°</td>
<td>@w.temp?.day F°</td>
Is there a simple way I can translate that "dt" result into a more recognizable date, like, "Friday, Sept 13th" or "09/13/21", in a Blazor server-side app using C#?
This how to convert unix utc to local time.
You can modify accordingly.
The unix timestamp is just how many seconds have passed since the epoch.
public static class TimeUtils
public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime(double unixTimeStamp )
// The unix timestamp is how many seconds since the epoch time
// so just substract
var epochDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
epochDateTime = epochDateTime .AddSeconds( unixTimeStamp ).ToLocalTime();
return dateTime;
You can then convert that DateTime to any string format you wish
For example
So if you had for example that method inside a static class called TimeUtils and assuming that the w.dt is a double:
@foreach (var w in forecast.daily)
<td>@w.temp?.min F°</td>
<td>@w.temp?.max F°</td>
<td>@w.temp?.day F°</td>
As pointed out by @Alexander Petrov there is also another way using
Which returns a DateTimeOffset object. This can also be an alternative.