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(firebase-admin) Error: Error: Client is offline but its not?

import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import DataModel from "../types/firebase";

export class FirebaseManager {
  db = admin.database();

  constructor() {
    this.db = admin.database();
    if (this.db === undefined) {
      throw "cannot find database";

    let data = this.db
      .then((snapshot) => {
        if (!snapshot.exists()) {
          throw "no database found :(";
        } else {
          let data = snapshot.val();
          try {
            let castedData = data as DataModel;
            console.log("Database successfully initialised!");
          } catch {
            throw "Data could not be casted properly during initialisation";

Hi, I have been working on a discord bot that needs firebase as a backend. however, when i initialise this class, calling the .get() function says Error: Error: Client is offline but I have been all the while online, anyone knows why? For reference, Im using the specific version "firebase-admin": "^9.11.1". If you would want to see all the code, here it is.


  • Oops, the problem was that we needed to follow the tutorial here and set a environment variable, then use admin.credential.applicationDefault() as the credential parameter to the object that we input into he initialiseApp function. So, in the end the code should look like admin.initializeApp({credential:admin.credential.applicationDefault(), databaseURL:"https://{your-project}"});