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Why does my http request cancel/stop observables stream?

I have an array of applications and I want each application to have a new property called Blobs. I have to make a new HTTP request to get Blobs for every single application and I use switchMap for that. However, for some reason, it only emits the last application and not every single one.

(bad explanation I know but you'll get the idea when you read the code)

    switchMap((applications) => from(applications)),
    switchMap((application) => {
        console.log("successfully logs every application in applications array");
        return forkJoin([
    map(([application, blobs]) => {
        console.log("only logs on last emitted application");
        return { ...application, blobs };

It returns an array with only the last element in it (blobs property is correctly added in that last object tho.)

Whenever I change forkJoin to this:

return forkJoin([
    of(application) ,

It starts to work as it should.

Get Blobs:

getBlobBs(identifier: IIdentifier): Observable<BlobItem[]> {
    return this.http.get<BlobItem[]>(
        'service url goes here'


  • Use mergeMap instead of switchMap.

    switchMap is cancelling all requests and only the last is processed.

    switchMap : Cancels the current subscription/request when new request arrives. Used for cancelable requests like searches

    mergeMap : Runs subscriptions/requests in parallel. Do not cancel the current request. Use when order is not important

    concatMap : Runs subscriptions/requests in order and is less performant. Use when order is important. It processes all requests/subscriptions but in sequential order.

    I think in your case mergeMap is suitable since you want to provide a response to all requests.