I'm working through some WCF examples in "Windows Communication Foundation 4 Step By Step". My resulting application runs fine as long as the service is hosted in casini. It fails when I deploy the service to local IIS. When deployed to IIS, I can browse to the svc page in IE. That works.
According to the book, page 41, the app pool account needs to be a member of the db_owner role in my database. The author suggests, after verifying the correct address of the service (already did that), checking the permissions of the app pool account.
How do I verify which account is used by the application pool hosting my WCF service? Currently using the default app pool and IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool is in the db_owner role. IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0 is also in the db_owner role.
The exception is...
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'.
How do I troubleshoot this issue? Thanks!
Solution found here: