Some info first:
everything works fine.Curious enough, if I stop the browser from loading the page then manually navigate back to the Application's Home/Claim
endpoint, it works!? The c1 and c2 cookies are correctly in the header and the user is authenticated correctly. It does not redirect back to login.
This is what the redirect pattern looks like (Claim is the endpoint I am trying to access):
callback?client_id is on the Login's domain signin0oidc is on the Application's domain Claim is on the Application's domain
This is the initial Request Header on the first call when redirecting back to the Home/Claim
endpoint (It is worth noting that on Localhost the cookies in the second image are set when it does its redirect to Home/Claim
. It sets them the first time whereas on dev it is not):
When I manually navigate to the Home/Claim
endpoint (after the above steps) this is what the Request Header looks like (notice the cookie is there):
Some final notes:
The Fix: The marked answer fixed the issue. Specifically I just used this code from the article linked (putting it in the startup.cs of any clients wishing to use Identity Server).
app.Use(async (ctx, next) => {
if (ctx.Request.Path == "/signout-oidc" &&
!ctx.Request.Query["skip"].Any()) {
var location = ctx.Request.Path +
ctx.Request.QueryString + "&skip=1";
ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200;
var html = $ @ " <
html > < head >
meta http - equiv = 'refresh'
content = '0;url={location}' / >
/head></html > ";
await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(html);
await next();
if (ctx.Request.Path == "/signin-oidc" &&
ctx.Response.StatusCode == 302) {
var location = ctx.Response.Headers["location"];
ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200;
var html = $ @ " <
html > < head >
meta http - equiv = 'refresh'
content = '0;url={location}' / >
/head></html > ";
await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(html);
What value of SameSite do you use for your Cookie?
Remember that a Strict value of SameSite tells the browser that it should not include cookies in case of a redirect from other domain.
However, the cookie is there, so if you access any url in your application (it is no longer a redirect), the cookie is included. Just go to the address bar and hit Intro with the same url. If the cookie is sent it will mean that this is surely your problem.
If this is your problem, set your Cookie whit SameSite = Lax. Lax allows the cookie to be sent on cross redirections.
You can learn more about this issue and try other solution proposed from Brockallen blog: Same-site cookies, ASP.NET Core, and external authentication providers. This solution maintains the Strict attribute in your Cookie.