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Remove parent directories in python build source archive

I have the following setup for my python package:

 ┣ 📂src
 ┃ ┗ 📜
 ┣ 📜setup.cfg
 ┗ 📜pyproject.toml

The is empty, the pyproject.toml and the setup.cfg contain example output from the PyPi documentation page (content shown below).

Now, for uploading to PyPi and for packing the python project, I run the command

python -m build

This gives me a new directory dist (in my_package) containing a Test-0.0.0.tar.gz. All this is expected. But when I open the Test-0.0.0.tar.gz, I get the following content:

 ┗ 📂C:
   ┗ 📂path
     ┗ 📂to
       ┗ 📂my
         ┗ 📂dev-directory
           ┗ 📂my_package
             ┗ 📂dist
               ┗ 📂tmp<some other characters>
                 ┗ 📜Test-0.0.0.tar

As you can see, the .tar.gz file contains the path on my local machine which is, obviously, not very privacy friendly. I absolutely do not want to upload files containing information about my private file tree structure. And I guess, this is also not intended. Plus, as far as I know, gzip does not allow to compress directories directly.

So my question is: What am I doing wrong in my build process?

PS: As you may have guessed by the document tree, I am developing on Windows - which might be important. My Python version is 3.7.1, installed via Miniconda3.

File contents:


requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"



package_dir =
    = src is empty.


  • I updated my python to version 3.9, now everything works. I tried to find an issue on the official GitHub repository, but I didn't find it. Still, this is a very weird behaviour.