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Output of command in Bash script to Drop-down box?
I have an array in a bash script. I have apache2 configured so I can run cgi/bash scripts in my cgi-bin directory, and they will display like a webpage.
Is there any way to take each element of the array and make it one result in a drop down box on the page?
For example, if my array looked like:
a[0] = "255"
a[1] = "254"
a[2] = "253"
a[3] = "252"
a[4] = "251"
I would want the dropbox to look like (lol, ASCII)
|255 |
|254 |
|253 |
|252 |
|251 |
Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.
you can write a bash for loop to do everything. This just prints out the elements:
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
echo "|${x[i]} |"
To get the alignment correct, you need to figure out the max length (one loop) and then print out the terms:
# w will be the length
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
if [ $w -lt ${#x[$i]} ]; then w=${#x[$i]}; fi
for i in `seq 1 $((w+2))`; do printf "%s" "-"; done
printf "\n"
for i in `seq 1 "${#x[*]}"`; do
printf "|%-$ws |\n" ${#x[$i]}
for i in `seq 1 $((w+2))`; do printf "%s" "-"; done
printf "\n"