I see <title>App</title>
is hardcoded in defaultLayout
in Web/View/Layout.hs, and Web/View/Context.hs has
let viewContext = ViewContext {
requestContext = ?requestContext,
user = currentUserOrNothing,
controllerContext = ?controllerContext,
layout = let ?viewContext = viewContext in defaultLayout
but how do I use a different function for a specific View? The html
function of the View class doesn't seem to return a new context, just a new html for part of the page.
There is now a pageTitle
function you could use in view (e.g. your layout) like this:
Which can in turn be set in action using setTitle
action ShowProjectAction { projectId } = do
project <- fetch projectId
setTitle (get #title project)
Latest IHP also generates the following layout s.t. you get it automatically with a fallback:
defaultLayout :: Html -> Html
defaultLayout inner = H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en" $ [hsx|
<title>{pageTitleOrDefault "App"}</title>
<div class="container mt-4">