I am trying to get the 5 documents with the minimum humidity values in "location_id: 1". But only from Monday to Friday and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The collection, db.datos_sensores2, has documents within like:
"_id" : ObjectId("609c2c2d420a73728827e87f"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-07-01T02:15:00Z"),
"sensor_id" : 1,
"location_id" : 1,
"medidas" : [
"tipo_medida" : "Temperatura",
"valor" : 14.03,
"unidad" : "ºC"
"tipo_medida" : "Humedad_relativa",
"valor" : 84.32,
"unidad" : "%"
"_id" : ObjectId("609c2c2d420a73728827e880"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-07-01T02:15:00Z"),
"sensor_id" : 2,
"location_id" : 1,
"medidas" : [
"tipo_medida" : "Emision_CO2",
"valor" : 1.67,
"unidad" : "gCO2/m2"
"tipo_medida" : "Consumo_electrico",
"valor" : 0.00155,
"unidad" : "kWh/m2"
I wrote this:
timestamp:{$dateFromString:{dateString:'$timestamp'}},"_id":0, "medidas":{$slice:["$medidas",-1]},"location_id":1}
$match:{'medidas.tipo_medida': "Humedad", "location_id":1}
$match:{$and:[{'dia_semana':{$in:[2,3,4,5,6]},'Hora':{$gt:8, $lt:18}}]}
But nothing happen....
**The Date field is String, that's why I am using $DatefromString
I change your query and fix some thing
first remove DatefromString
$project: {
timestamp: 1,
_id: 0,
"medidas": {
$slice: [
"location_id": 1
$addFields: {
dia_semana: {
$dayOfWeek: "$timestamp"
Hora: {
$hour: "$timestamp"
$match: {
"medidas.tipo_medida": "Humedad",
"location_id": 1
$match: {
$and: [
"dia_semana": {
$in: [
"Hora": {
$gt: 8,
$lt: 18
$sort: {
"medidas.valor": 1
$limit: 5
after inspecting your query this aggregation will return this
$project: {
timestamp: 1,
_id: 0,
"medidas": {
$slice: [
"location_id": 1
$addFields: {
dia_semana: {
$dayOfWeek: "$timestamp"
Hora: {
$hour: "$timestamp"
result :
"Hora": 2,
"dia_semana": 4,
"location_id": 1,
"medidas": [
"tipo_medida": "Humedad_relativa",
"unidad": "%",
"valor": 84.32
"timestamp": ISODate("2020-07-01T02:15:00Z")
"Hora": 2,
"dia_semana": 4,
"location_id": 1,
"medidas": [
"tipo_medida": "Consumo_electrico",
"unidad": "kWh/m2",
"valor": 0.00155
"timestamp": ISODate("2020-07-01T02:15:00Z")
and in this result we didn't add matches stages to pipeline and if you see your match didn't select any result for many reason
1- $match:{'medidas.tipo_medida': "Humedad"}
2- 'Hora':{$gt:8, $lt:18}}
in your result before matches stages in aggregation you don't any result to match with these query I highlited