I use dart 2.13.3 . In my flutter app I can't initialized Set
variable without required annotation.I want to build constructor without final Set<V>initialSelectedValues;
or without required
, because from another call this parameter is just optional. But show error and suggest me to add required annotation at the front of final Set<V>initialSelectedValues;
. How to I change and solve this error?
class MultiSelectDialog<V> extends StatefulWidget {
MultiSelectDialog({required this.items,this.initialSelectedValues});
final List<MultiSelectDialogItem<V>> items;
final Set<V>initialSelectedValues;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _MultiSelectDialogState<V>();
final selectedValues = await showDialog<Set<int>>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MultiSelectDialog(
items: items,
//initialSelectedValues: [1,2].toSet(),
Now, I can solve this. Change to default parameter with const
MultiSelectDialog({required this.items,this.initialSelectedValues = const {}});
final List<MultiSelectDialogItem<V>> items;
final Set<V> initialSelectedValues;