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Dynamic statements in a case_when function

I have the following data:

test <- tibble(id = 1:4, name = letters[1:4], revenue = seq(100, 400, 100))

From this, I create lagged variables:

 test_lagged <- 
    test %>% 
        revenue_lag_1 = lag(revenue, 1),
        revenue_lag_2 = lag(revenue, 2),
        revenue_lag_3 = lag(revenue, 3),
          ~replace_na(., 0)

I already have an approach that helps me do the above step dynamically, so that I can specify the number om lags and lagged variables in a function. However, the next step, I have only managed to implement explicitly (by mapping each column explicitly):

test_lagged %>% 
    any_previous_zero_revenue = case_when(
      revenue_lag_1 == 0 |
      revenue_lag_2 == 0 |
      revenue_lag_3 == 0 ~ TRUE,
      TRUE ~ FALSE

What I want is to be able to apply this dynamically in a case_when function by using something like "any_of", "all_of", contains(), starts_with() or similar.

First, I want to say that for all columns that contains/starts with "revenue_", check if "any_of" these variables (for a given line) == 0. That way I can create dynamically as many lagged variables as I want to without having to change the case_when function.


  • Here a solution

    test_lagged %>% 
        any_previous_zero_revenue = if_else(if_any(.cols = starts_with("revenue_lag"),`==`,0),TRUE,FALSE)
    # A tibble: 4 x 7
         id name  revenue revenue_lag_1 revenue_lag_2 revenue_lag_3 any_previous_zero_revenue 
      <int> <chr>   <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>
    1     1 a         100             0             0             0 TRUE 
    2     2 b         200           100             0             0 TRUE 
    3     3 c         300           200           100             0 TRUE 
    4     4 d         400           300           200           100 FALSE