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Google Sheets QUERY function dealing with dates

I have a table (gDisplay) in my GoogleSheets file that looks like this:

enter image description here

So, in another table I can run this query without pain:

=QUERY(gDisplay!A2:I;"SELECT sum(F) WHERE A > '2021-09-01' ")

But I need to fetch last week results, and I was guessig that the query below could work:

=QUERY(gDisplay!A2:I;"SELECT sum(F) WHERE A > date '"&TEXT(TODAY()-8,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' ")

But it's not working and I had no lucky searching for the answer. Any clue to fix this?


  • after 8 you need semicolon not comma:

     "SELECT sum(F) 
      WHERE A > date '"&TEXT(TODAY()-8; "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")

    but try:

    =INDEX(QUERY(gDisplay!A2:I*1; "SELECT sum(Col6) WHERE Col1 > "&DATEVALUE(TODAY()-8)))