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Looping through parameters to get equilibrium with deSolve

I struggle with loops intuitively. I have a simple consumer-resource model, and I want to loop through values of resource growth rate g to get final state values to then plot equilibrium as a function of the parameter values. This is what I have so far:

param.values = seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1)
variable = rep(0,length(param.values))
for (i in 1:length(param.values)){ 
  state <- c(r = 1, n = 1)
  parameters = c(g = variable[i],# resource growth rate
                 d = 0.5, # n mortality rate
                 k = 5, # r carrying capacity
                 c = 1, # consumption rate of n on r
                 e = 1, # conversion efficiency for n on r
                 h = 1 # handling time n on r
  function1 <- function(times, state, parameters) {
    with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
      # rate of change
      dr = variable[i]*r*(1 - (r/k)) - (c*n*r/(1+(h*c*r))) 
      dn = (e*c*n*r/(1+(h*c*r)))- n*d
      # return the rate of change
      list(c(dr, dn))
  times <- seq(0, 100, by = 1)
  out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = function1, parms = parameters)
  sol <- out[101, 2:3] # trying to get last equilibrium value to plot against param values...

plot(sol[,1] ~ param.values)
plot(sol[,2] ~ param.values)

I think I have thinks right up until the ode function - where should I be indexing i after this? I hope this makes sense.


  • Your approach had several issues, so I tried to re-organize it so that it runs through. But, as your model shows a stable cycle, it does not reach an equilibrium.

    Here a few hints

    • The loop should only contain things that change during the simulation. Fixed code segments should come before the loop. This is easier to maintain and faster.
    • First, run the model without the loop, to see whether it works.
    • Then define a data structure (matrix or data frame) to store the results.

    Here one approach how it can be implemented:

    ## define as much as possible outside the loop
    function1 <- function(times, state, parameters) {
      with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
        # rate of change
        dr = g*r*(1 - (r/k)) - (c*n*r/(1+(h*c*r)))
        dn = (e*c*n*r/(1+(h*c*r)))- n*d
        # return the rate of change
        list(c(dr, dn))
    state <- c(r = 1, n = 1)
    parameters = c(g = 1,   # resource growth rate
                   d = 0.5, # n mortality rate
                   k = 5,   # r carrying capacity
                   c = 1,   # consumption rate of n on r
                   e = 1,   # conversion efficiency for n on r
                   h = 1    # handling time n on r
    times <- seq(0, 100, by = 1)
    ## first test single run of model
    out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = function1, parms = parameters)
    ## It runs and we see a cycling model. I suspect it has no equilibrium!
    param.values = seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1)
    ## define a matrix where results can be stored
    sol <- matrix(0, nrow=length(param.values), ncol=2)
    for (i in 1:length(param.values)){
      ## replace single parameter g with new value
      parameters["g"] <- param.values[i]
      out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = function1, parms = parameters)
      ## store result of last value in row of matrix.
      ## Note that it may not be an equilibrium
      sol[i, ] <- out[101, 2:3] # trying to get last equilibrium value to plot against param values...
      print(sol[i, ])
    plot(sol[,1] ~ param.values, type="l")
    plot(sol[,2] ~ param.values, type="l")
    ## We see that the model has no equilibrium.

    There are several other ways and, as said, the model has no equilibrium. Here another model example, a so-called chemostat with equilibrium.