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Ionic 5: How to add event listener to ion-input using Javascript

I am trying to add a event listener to a ion-input so then when there is a change and onkeyup the respective functions execute with the id passed in


<ion-input id="totalTimeOpening" type="text"></ion-input>

    function testChange(id) {
        console.log(id + " Change");

    function testOnKeyUp(id) {
        console.log(id + " KEYUP");

    document.getElementById("totalTimeOpening").addEventListener('ionChange', testChange.bind('totalTimeOpening'), false);

    document.getElementById("totalTimeOpening").addEventListener('onkeyup', testOnKeyUp.bind('totalTimeOpening'), false);

The current code seems to pass the whole ion-input object in


  • I figured this out.

        function testChange(id) {
            console.log(id + " Change");
        function testOnKeyUp(id) {
            console.log(id + " KEYUP");
            document.getElementById("totalTimeOpening").addEventListener('ionBlur', function(){
            document.getElementById("totalTimeOpening").addEventListener('ionInput', function(){

    the functions had to go inside function(){here}) and it works. Also the onkeyup won't work with ionic it seems and instead ionInput seems to work as a substitue