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Shibboleth IDP 4 login failed:

i need your help. I'm trying to connect to moodle with the Shibboleth Login but it doesn't work. I checked the file idp-process.log and i am getting this error and don't know what its meaning?

< Unable to resolve outbound message endpoint for relying party '': EndpointCriterion.> Im using OpenLdap and moodle . i have checked all metadata from idp and sp but nothing .

I hope that somebody will help me to resolve this error.


  • Unable to resolve outbound message endpoint for relying party '': EndpointCriterion.>

    I think what this means is that the shibboleth software is unable to resolve the intended URL and have it turn into a reachable endpoint. So you want to make sure this address is in fact available, reachable and preferably an HTTPS url.