I have found a lot of documentation about serializing a queryset in django, and i found out that to serialize a single object or instance of a model you simply needed to wrap that instance in a list '[]'. But here is my Issue, I serialized an object in one view passed it into session and deserialized said object in another view and it work just fine... but what i get is a python generator, how can i get the initial object without the generator?
view that i serialized the object
def sales_detail(request, pk=None):
sales_object = Sales.objects.get(pk=pk)
data = serializers.serialize('json', [sales_object])
request.session['data'] = data
return render(request, 'sales/detail.html', context)
view that i deserialized the object
def connect_page(request, item_type=None, item_id=None):
data = request.session.get('data', None)
print("Serialized Obeject from Session: ", data[1:-1])
clean_data = serializers.deserialize('json', data)
print("Deserialized object from the session : ", clean_data)
return render(request, 'sales/connections.html', context)
Results for First Print
Serialized Obeject from Session: {"model": "sales.request", "pk": 1, "fields": {"created": "2021-09-08T14:51:01.891Z", "updated": "2021-09-08T19:48:59.603Z", "description": "asa sja schsac sjbca dcbl sdac dc ahclbkscj sadc sk c sclbsclbd cS LCzx", "unit_price": 0.0, "owner": 1, "active": false, "urgent_flag": false, "completed": false, "type": "request", "quantity": 1, "edited": true, "slug": "nfs-most-wanted-2005", "title": "NFS Most Wanted 2005", "image": "uploaded_products/default_request.png", "tags": [], "categories": [8, 9]}}
Results for Second Print
Deserialized object from the session : <generator object Deserializer at 0x000001E220703D60>
I know i could just loop over the generator the collect the value...but it reducdant knowing this generator contains only one object ...i need direct access without looping
Django will not eagerly deserialize, it works lazily: it will only deserialize if you need the items, for example to enumerate over it.
You can make a list of model objects by constructing a list:
clean_data = list(serializers.deserialize('json', data))
If you only wish to enumerate, you can simply leave it a generator, and enumerate over it in the template. Then the generator will deserialize the objects one-by-one, and thus emit these in the {% for … %} … {% endfor %}