Can anyone guide me in the right direction on how to put a button next to the delete button ? I want to put a confirm and deny button next to it, that when I click it, it will send an email to the user that his/her application is accepted or denied. I've searched online for a solution and also read some similar questions here, but I am not sure whether or not those are right things to go to.
First make buttons for confirm and deny in list_page by writing confirmed() and denied() method , then you append your custom urls in admin urls by overriding get_urls() method and mapped those url to a view method confirmed_application() and denied_application().
After processing your logic then you can redirect same change_list page.
class YourModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ['your_model_fields', 'confirmed', 'denied']
def confirmed(self, obj):
url = reverse('admin:confirm_url', kwargs={'id':})
return format_html('<a class="button" href="{}">Confirm</a>', url)
def denied(self, obj):
url = reverse('admin:denied_url', kwargs={'id':})
return format_html('<a class="button" href="{}">Deny</a>', url)
def get_urls(self):
urls = super().get_urls()
custom_urls = [
path('confirm/<int:id>', self.confirmed_application, name='confirm_url'),
path('deny/<int:id>', self.denied_application, name='denied_url'),
return custom_urls + urls
def confirmed_application(self, request, id):
# you get object_id you can do whatever you want
# you can send a mail
# after processed all logic you can redirect same modeladmin changelist page
redirect_url = "admin:{}_{}_changelist".format(self.opts.app_label, self.opts.model_name)
return redirect(reverse(redirect_url))
def denied_application(self, request, id):
# same as confirmed_application do the logic