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N-queens backtrack not working for n=9 and higher

I've been practicing the standard recusion and backtracking examples online, and came across the N-queens problem (in the LeetCode setting). After a lot of tinkering, I managed to apply a recursion in order to retrieve ANY, not all, solutions for a given board size n.

However, my algorithm works up to n=8, printing out valid board configurations, but invalid ones when n=9 or equal to the few higher numbers I tried. Invalid meaning that some board rows are full of dots and not populated by a "Q" queen, but the backtracking fails to catch that, possibly due to a buggy recursion.

For example, for n=9, this is the output:

testing backtrack
['Q........', '..Q......', '....Q....', '.Q.......', '...Q.....', '........Q', '.........', '.........', '.........']

testing backtrack
['..Q......', 'Q........', '...Q.....', '.Q.......', '....Q....', '........Q', '.........', '.........', '.........']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', 'Q........', '..Q......', '....Q....', '........Q', '.........', '.........', '.........']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', '.....Q...', 'Q........', '..Q......', '....Q....', '......Q..', '.........', '.........']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '....Q....', '......Q..', '...Q.....', 'Q........', '..Q......', '.....Q...', '.........', '.........']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', '.....Q...', '.......Q.', '..Q......', 'Q........', '......Q..', '....Q....', '.........']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', '.....Q...', '..Q......', '....Q....', '.........', 'Q........', '.........', '......Q..']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', '......Q..', '..Q......', '.......Q.', '.....Q...', '.........', 'Q........', '....Q....']

testing backtrack
['.Q.......', '...Q.....', '.....Q...', '..Q......', '........Q', '.........', '....Q....', '.......Q.', 'Q........']

and you can see that in all cases, at least one row in the board seems not populated by a Queen.

Can anyone pinpoint to me where the backtracking may be failing in the algorithm below? Thank you in advance!

    class Solution:
      def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.board =  ["."*n] * n
        self.n_queens = n    
        self.queenPos = []
      def solveNQueens(self, n: int) -> list[list[str]]:
        def changeLetter(letter, i,j):
          # change letter in board
          s = list(self.board[i])
          s[j] = letter
          self.board[i] = "".join(s)
          if letter == "Q":
        def boardOk(k,l):
          # print(self.queenPos)
          def check_attack(piece_1, piece_2):
            # check if they are in the same row
            if piece_1[0] == piece_2[0]:
                return True
            # check if they are in the same column
            elif piece_1[1] == piece_2[1]:
                return True
            # check if they are in the same diagonal
            elif abs(piece_1[0] - piece_2[0]) == abs(piece_1[1] - piece_2[1]):
                return True
                # print("queens are not attacking in diagonal")
                return False
          if len(self.queenPos)>0:
            # print(self.queenPos)
            for pos in self.queenPos:
              if check_attack([k,l], pos):
                return False
          return True
        def backtrack(numQueens, i, j):
          if boardOk(i,j):
              changeLetter("Q", i,j)
          if self.n_queens<=0:
          for k in range(n):
            for l in range(n):
              backtrack(self.n_queens, k, l)
        while self.n_queens!=0:
          print(f"\ntesting backtrack")
          # print(f"\ti={i}")
          self.board =  ["."*n] * n
          self.n_queens = n
          self.queenPos = []
          backtrack(n, i, 0) # this works for all cases except 9 instead of backtrack(n,0,i) which doesn't except for 4
          if i+1<n :
    if __name__=="__main__":
        sol = Solution()


  • Ok, forget my comments. I thought the diagonal test was wrong, I just thought you applied a different idea wrongly, but the idea you applied was correct.

    Your actual problem is that you are not backtracking correctly: You just try the first position for each Queen, and only retry placing the first one. backtrack needs to actually backtrack, e.g. erase it's changes:

            def backtrack(numQueens, i, j):
              if boardOk(i,j):
                  changeLetter("Q", i,j)
                return False # This is failing
              if self.n_queens == 0:
                return True # We found a solution
              for k in range(n):
                for l in range(n):
                  if backtrack(self.n_queens, k, l):
                      return True # We found a solution
              changeLetter(".", i, j) # Remove the Queen we tried from the board.
              self.n_queens += 1
              return False # None of the tries for other Queens works

    and the while loop inside solution can be a for loop:

            self.board =  ["." * n] * n # You don't need to reset these each loop. backtrack cleans up behind it.
            self.n_queens = n
            self.queenPos = []
            for i in range(n):
              if backtrack(n, i, 0):
                return self.board
                raise ValueError("We did not find a solution")