I have multiple files with text in parenthesis that I need to extract from the file (or delete everything else in that file). I have a method that works, but it only works for one file. Here is an example of the kind of files I'm dealing with.
(is it on?)
[3.87595 3.87595 0 ]xsh
NDTMRY+Helvetica[8.5 0 0 -8.5 0 0 ]msf
The method I have used is as follows:
Is there a way/better way to do this for multiple files at a time? In this or another language such as python.
Yes, it is possible to remove in multiple files lines that do not start with (
Here is the screenshot with settings:
So, here are the instructions:
, keep Replace With emptyAdjust other options and hit Replace in Files button.