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How to inject Kotlin extentsion properties using Dagger-Hilt

I'm trying to implement Proto Datastore using Kotlin serialization and Hilt.


I couldn't inject DataStore object using the new DataStore creation syntax.

object DataStoreModule {

    fun provideDataStore(@ApplicationContext context: Context): DataStore<UserPreferences> {
        val Context.dataStore: DataStore<UserPreferences> by dataStore(
            fileName = "user_pref.pb",
            serializer = UserPreferencesSerializer
        return dataStore


I get the lint message Local extension properties are not allowed

How can inject this Kotlin extension property? Or is there any way to inject dataStore object?


  • You can't use extensions in a local context, you should call this way:

    object DataStoreModule {
        fun provideDataStore(@ApplicationContext context: Context): DataStore<UserPreferences> =
                serializer = UserPreferencesSerializer,
                produceFile = { context.dataStoreFile("user_pref.pb") },