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Is there a way to extend or create different jib configuration in file

I am using the jib plugin to build my docker image for my springboot app. However, I want to have a new task in my build file which will call a different build jib task.

The reason for this is that depending on the task I create in gradle, I want to set different JVM values for different tasks.

Existing implementation when using gradle jib plugin.


plugins {
    id '' version '2.0.0'

jib {
    container {
        creationTime = "USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
        jvmFlags = ['flag a']

// Extend jib task and set different flags.
jibWithDifferentVMFlags {
    container {
        creationTime = "USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
        jvmFlags = ['different flags']

After this, I can choose which task to build my image with example:

./gradlew jib
./gradlew jibWithDifferentVMFlags

The aim is to have thow options, the default and custom as above.

Im not a gradle expert but any help would be highly appreciated or any different approach is welcome. thanks


  • You could use a property to simulate profiles.

    plugins {
        id '' version '3.1.4'
    jib {
        container {
            creationTime = "USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
            jvmFlags = ['flag a']
            if (project.hasProperty('foo')) {
                jvmFlags = ['different flags']

    To do a FOO build:

    $ ./gradlew jib -Pfoo

    Also, use the latest Jib 3.1.4 (as of now).