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Making a method generic over Array1<T>

I have the following Trait implementation and would like to make unit generic over Array1<T>, but fail to find the right Trait bounds (especially that this somehow seems trivial to me, all T needs to support is basically basic arithmetic that output T for the function to work).

trait Unit {
    fn unit(&self) -> Array1<f32>;

impl Unit for Array1<f32> 
    fn unit(&self) -> Array1<f32> {
        self / (self * self).sum().sqrt()

The compiler suggests adding std::ops::Mul<Output = &ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<T>, Dim<[usize; 1]>>>, but doing so keeps giving the same error over and over.



  • I followed the compiler error messages and produced this generic code that compiles. I'm not familiar with ndarray so I don't know if this is actually correct.

    use std::ops::Mul;
    use num_traits::{Zero, real::Real};
    use ndarray::prelude::*;
    trait Unit {
        type Output;
        fn unit(&self) -> Array1<Self::Output>;
    impl<T> Unit for Array1<T>
        for<'a> &'a Array1<T>: Mul<Output = Array1<T>>,
        T: Real + Clone + Zero + ndarray::ScalarOperand,
        type Output = T;
        fn unit(&self) -> Array1<T> {
            self / (self * self).sum().sqrt()

    Note that Unit now returns an associated type. If you want it to always return f32 then you'll need to require that T can be converted to f32 too.