I have a from_date
and to_date
columns in my LeaveApplication
table. So I'm trying to check if the specified date is in range of the two columns. For example:
from_date : 2021-08-26
to_date : 2021-08-29
date : 2021-08-27
I was trying to use the BETWEEN
operator but the syntax is to select the date range from the same column name.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;
In my case, I want to select the date range from different columns something like the query example below. Is there a way to achieve this?
SELECT * FROM LeaveApplication
WHERE "2021-08-27" BETWEEN (from_date = "2021-08-26") AND (to_date = "2021-08-29")
Thank you!
Using greater, equal, and less operator didn't work for me but actually it can be done with BETWEEN
operator this way
SELECT * FROM LeaveApplication WHERE "2021-08-27" BETWEEN from_date AND to_date
Found this example here
p/s: my attempt in my example is quite close to it :)