Not sure where to start with this, I've read about pivot/lateral but don't fully understand their use cases so I'm not sure if they apply here. They don't appear to be in my version of DB2 regardless.
Example Starting Table
ID, Firstname, Lastname, Age
0, John, Smith, 30
1, Jane, Doe, 40
2, Fake, Name, 50
I'm looking to pivot this table to the following...
Example Expected Results
Id, ColumnName, ColumnValue
0, Firstname, John
0, Lastname, Smith
0, Age, 30
1, Firstname, Jane
1, LastName, Doe
1, Age, 40
2, FirstName, Fake
2, LastName, Name
2, Age, 50
How should I go about doing this? Is there a name for this action?
Pivot syntax doesn't exist in DB2, you can use lateral like this:
with table1 (ID, Firstname, Lastname, Age) as (
(0, 'John', 'Smith', 30),
(1, 'Jane', 'Doe', 40),
(2, 'Fake', 'Name', 50)
from table1
cross join lateral (
('Firstname', Firstname),
('Lastname', Lastname),
('Age', varchar(age))
) as rowtocolumns(ColumnName, ColumnValue)