I wanted to use woocommerce_mail_headers
filter to send custom emails to billing email address and user email address.
I read a lot of different posts about this issue on the last days but i was not able to find a working solution.
The following code is ok when $cc_email
and $user_name
are predefined but not when they are variable (depending on $order
is the id of my email template (very close to WooCommerce email ones)
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_headers', 'cc_user_function', 10, 3);
function cc_user_function($headers, $email_id, $order) {
if ($email_id == 'my_custom_email'){
$order_nr = wc_get_order( $order );
$user_id = $order_nr->get_user_id();
$cc_email = get_userdata($user_id)->user_email ;
$user_name = $user->get_first_name().' ';
$user_name .= $user->get_last_name();
$formatted_email = utf8_decode($user_name . ' <' . $cc_email . '>');
$headers .= 'Cc: '.$formatted_email .'\r\n';
return $headers;
Can you help me to solve this problem?
To get an instance of the WP_User object you can use $order->get_user()
So you get:
function filter_woocommerce_email_headers( $header, $email_id, $order ) {
// For a given email id & user id exists (no guests)
if ( $email_id == 'customer_on_hold_order' && $order->get_user_id() > 0 ) {
// Get an instance of the WP_User object
$user = $order->get_user();
// Get user email
$user_email = $user->user_email;
// Get first & last name
$user_name = $user->first_name . ' ';
$user_name .= $user->last_name;
// Prepare the the data
$formatted_email = utf8_decode( $user_name . ' <' . $user_email . '>' );
// Add Cc to headers
$header .= 'Cc: ' . $formatted_email . '\r\n';
return $header;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_headers', 'filter_woocommerce_email_headers', 10, 3 );